Protocol Daddies
Protocol Daddies are folks who give tangible advice to men on how to improve themselves. If there’s a particular Protocol Daddy in your life that you’ve found helpful, I’d love to include them. Send them to at And they don’t need to be men. My criterion for inclusion is:
They give tangible advice, of any sort, that men find helpful
Their protocols are free or low cost
They pass my bullshit radar
Health / Fitness / Performance
Andrew Huberman, PhD: Science based tools for performance
Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Health and nutrition
Layne Norton, PhD: Health and nutrition with a focus on strength
Simon Hill: Nutrition with a focus on longevity
Ben Patrick aka Knees Over Toes Guy: Knee strength and mobility
Jeff Cavaliere: Strength training workout routines
Peter Attia: Fitness for longevity
Dr. Mike Israetel: Strength / muscle building
Jonny Miller: Nervous system regulation
Spiritual / philosophical
Malidoma Patrice Somé (deceased): Ancestral work, rituals
Stephen Jenkinson: How to die well, elderhood, spirit work
Francis Weller: Grief, rituals
Ryan Holiday: Integrating stoicism into daily life
Masculinity / relationships
Chris Williamson: Lifestyle, general health, wealth, and men’s interest
Andrew Horn: Relationships, authentic relating
Connor Beaton: Masculinity, personal development, and the men’s work movement
Traver Boehm: Masculinity, personal development, and the men’s work movement
Brett McKay: Masculinity and personal development
Dan Doty: Fatherhood, masculinity, personal development
John Wineland: Relationships, sex
Joe Hudson: Emotional mastery, relationships
Productivity / entrepreneurship
Daniel Vassalo: Creating small, low risk ways to make money
Tim Ferris: Deconstructed routines from various experts
Cal Newport: How to focus to do work
Sam Parr and Shaan Puri (My First Million Podcast): How to make money
Greg Isenberg: How to build online community businesses
Alex Hormozi: How to grow a business
Sahil Bloom: Productivity and advice on “getting ahead”