Thanks Sammy! To make sure I'm getting it straight, is it that the 1x / week workouts are advertised for new guys, and once guys are in, more frequent workout groups begin to form?
Thanks Sammy! To make sure I'm getting it straight, is it that the 1x / week workouts are advertised for new guys, and once guys are in, more frequent workout groups begin to form?
Honestly, it may depend on the fitness level of the person joining. Some folks like myself had a baseline fitness level from jogging. It's hard to answer your question because each group is independent from each other in terms of types of workouts, scheduling, etc. We do have the standard we adhere to (free of charge, open to all men (no barriers to entry), held outdoors rain or shine, peer led in a rotating fashion, and ends in circle of trust). At F3, it's you versus you, so it's up to the individual how how often they want to post. One last note: we keep the beatdowns early in the predawn so the men have some time to meet before the start of school/work etc. I'm here for any other questions you may have!
Thanks Sammy! To make sure I'm getting it straight, is it that the 1x / week workouts are advertised for new guys, and once guys are in, more frequent workout groups begin to form?
Honestly, it may depend on the fitness level of the person joining. Some folks like myself had a baseline fitness level from jogging. It's hard to answer your question because each group is independent from each other in terms of types of workouts, scheduling, etc. We do have the standard we adhere to (free of charge, open to all men (no barriers to entry), held outdoors rain or shine, peer led in a rotating fashion, and ends in circle of trust). At F3, it's you versus you, so it's up to the individual how how often they want to post. One last note: we keep the beatdowns early in the predawn so the men have some time to meet before the start of school/work etc. I'm here for any other questions you may have!